Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Brian McDonnell.
My name is Brian McDonnell, and I am a trainspotter.
Trains and photography go hand in hand. This is the combination of my two favorite hobbies, seeing the moving (and living) machines that spin the world. Most of the trains I catch are near my home in Middle Tennessee, particularly around the state capital of Nashville. This is where names like the L&N and the NC&StL are kept alive by historians and working by CSX.
I am also an avid volunteer of the Tennessee Central Railway Museum, which runs excursions over the former TCRy between Nashville and points east such as Lebanon, Watertown, Cookeville, or Monterey. Today, the line is owned by the shortline Nashville and Eastern, which also tends to sneak into my lens once in a while.
I have of course been to other places around the country. Those places will appear as the pictures make their way onto the site. Take a look through what I have seen. I hope you enjoy them, because more is on the way.
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!
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